The Equalizer

In this intense action packed movie an average Joe... Well in this case, Bob (Denzel Washington) lives an ordinary life until a friend of his gets dangerously hurt. It's not until then that we see what his true nature is. With interesting strategies to keep the audience wondering, the movie is carried through just like it would in any other intense action movie but instead in this flick, there's not so many holes... except in heads. There might be one or two holes if you don't pay attention, but then again, it is a bit fast paced so keep your eyes and ears peeled. But because of this, it keeps the audience on the edge of their seats with the vivid images the Equalizer does to his enemies, and it is not pretty whatsoever. It is rated R so parents, watch your kids. The ending... All I can say is whoa. That is all I can say about that

My Rating: A-
