In the second installment of the Divergent series, Tris (Shailene Woodley), Four (Theo James), and their friends are fugitives, outlaws of the the faction system. (The daring Dauntless, the intelligent Erudite, the honest Candor, the peaceful Amity, and the selfless Abnegation.) With Peter (Miles Teller) constantly trying to crack a joke every so often and her brother, Caleb (Ansel Elgort) being so indecisive at where he belongs, Tris' world spins upside down. Knowing what the factions are, Tris can't help but be Divergent, a mixture of two or more factions. Wanted by the evil Jeanine (Kate Winslet), Tris tries to quickly outrun her but is met by the factionless who don't belong anywhere in their world. Tris is then placed on a very thin tightrope: To be met by an evil woman who wants the factions to remain intact and keep their "peaceful" world the way it was supposed to be or go beyond what their world is supposed to be.
My Rating: A-
*Note: I did read the book, so continue reading if you really want to know what my thoughts are without me treating the movie as a separate entity
Movie wise: Insurgent is fast-paced and action packed, but it does go a little bit too fast. Not only that with Miles Teller trying to be a little bit too funny, there's a reason why I gave the rating an A-. Book wise: producers left out so much detail that it kind of disappoints me. As an avid reader, I expect tiny little details to be covered like outfit wise. Each faction is supposed to have their own little designs. Dauntless are supposed to be the badass characters that wear all black. Candor is the honest faction that they cannot see a middle ground which is why they only where black and white. Abnegation is the selfless faction which is why they wear grey and don't really give much when it comes to their outfits. Erudite are the brilliant faction which is why they have the sharp blue as their color. Amity is the peace loving faction which is why they have earth tones as their colors. It's tiny little details like this that kind of disappointed me, because I was expecting so much more to be in the movie, but directors and writers do have their own minds when it comes to their work so they did do some major changes especially when it came to the end of the movie. All in all, compared to the book, the movie was a disappointment, but the movie as a separate entity, pretty good. My advice: If you haven't read the book before you started watching this series, keep it that way otherwise you will be disappointed.
My Rating: D
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