
With a director like Christopher Nolan, this movie was given very mixed reviews, but since it is filled with a lot of scientific background, it must have just been confusing for some viewers, but then again there were pros and cons of this movie that may have set some people on one side or the other.

Cooper (Matthew McConaughey) was just an average farmer trying to help the overpopulated planet by growing some food with his son and daughter, but after being called in by some special forces, Cooper finds himself in a situation that will help all of humankind survive. Sent into outer spacer, Cooper is in search for a habitable place that will live and prosper long just like mankind. With an all star cast such as Anne Hathaway, Wes Bentley, and many more, Interstellar blew viewer's minds by supplying viewers with trippy and gnarly effects that might make you go crazy after going through the worm hole. Not to mention, the music conducted by Hans Zimmer (conductor for the Dark Knight series) just melts people's ears with the dark and intense feel it gives in every sentimental or intense scene. There were a few times where it did drown out some of the seriousness of the scene, but it was still empowering just the same. There was also the fact that it got confusing when the movie kept switching from full screen to wide screen, but hopefully that didn't distract viewers so much. In the end, Interstellar was definitely out of this world.

My Rating: A+++
