
Based on a true story, Unbroken is a tale of a young man named Louie (Jack O'Connell.) Starting out as a delinquent smoking cigarettes and drinking liquor, Louie is noticed as a young man with potential. Qualified to go to the Olympics for track in the early 1930's, Louie was not able to go, because they were cancelled. Fast forward 10 or so years, the movie shows Louie being a part of WWII and caught in a fiasco where he ends up stranded in the ocean with his buddies, losing one, being found by the Japanese, then placed into a concentration camp all while in a grueling amount of time. With the catharsis that is deliberately placed in this movie, this movie is not for the faint hearted even though it is PG-13. It is still about concentration camps in the second world war, but you still learn more about what happens to Louie at the end of the movie.

My Rating: B-
