Moonrise Kingdom

In this picturesque movie, viewers see the tale of two lovebirds. Sam Shakusky (Jared Gilman), a fellow Khaki scout, runs away from his encampment to meet up with his beloved, Suzy Bishop, a young woman who's family appears perfect but the flaws are as loud as the panning cameras in this movie.  The way the cameras move does add an effect though when it comes to viewing everybody in this movie especially when it comes to the narrator or Captain Sharp (Bruce Willis). It is so animatronic that it adds to the awkward and robotic way the kids act. The acting does not hinder the plot though. Due to Sam and Suzy's disappearance, a search squad is formed between Suzy's family and the scouts of Khaki Scout Summer Camp. With actors like Bill Murray and Bruce Willis, this movie was not a total flunk even with the robotic acting. This movie does make some viewers think about adventure though, but you never know. You could be on your own adventure and you may not know it.

*Rated PG-13 for sexual content and smoking.

My Rating: A
