My Neighbor Totoro

In this adorable movie, Satsuki (voiced by Noriko Hidaka) and Mei (voiced by Chika Sakamoto) are new to the neighborhood. It isn't until Mei first sees the spirit of Totoro when things take a weird turn; some of which are good and some bad. The good comes in adventures in the forest and seeing different versions of Totoro whether they are small or big to seeing their sick mother in the hospital to seeing their plants grow. If these scenes don't make you smile, then I don't know what will. The bad comes in seeing their mother in a state that might not be curable. It isn't until the sisters get into a big fight when things get sad. I did see this movie in subtitles, but whether it is in English or Japanese, it is still a good movie and if you pay attention close enough, you might be able to "read between the lines." This movie definitely shows that even though family may fight, they are still there for you. No matter what happens.

*Rated G

My Rating: A+++
