In this Disney movie, Emperor Kuzco (voiced by David Spade) is an arrogant and narcissistic guy who gets everything he wants when he wants it. When he wants to make a summer home with a pool, he decides to bring in the village leader, Pacha (voiced by John Goodman) into the picture. The thing is the emperor's adviser, Yzma (voiced by Eartha Kitt), wants to take over the throne and have things done her way with her funny yet slow sidekick, Kronk (voiced by Patrick Warburton). Things take a turn though when Yzma tries to kill Kuzco but instead of killing him, Kuzco is turned into a llama. Stuck with Pacha, the two make a trek back to the palace but not without a few bumps in the road. With jaguars, cute fuzzy little squirrels, and bugs as delicacies, viewers are instantly in for the journey. This movie definitely makes everyone's heart melt when they see that even the most stuck up people can change.
*Rated G
My Rating: A+++
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