In the first installment of the Harry Potter movies, Daniel Radcliffe plays the amazing Harry Potter, the boy who lived in the cupboard underneath the stairwell. It was not until he got his letter to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that he learns his true life meaning: to be a wizard and an amazing one to say the least. Being tossed into an alternate universe is not easy for Harry but it's not exactly bad either unless he's battling He Who Shall Not Be Named. If he's not making friends with Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint) or Hermione Granger (Emma Watson), he's playing Quidditch, the famous sport of the wizarding world where wizards ride broomsticks and tackle bludgers along with finding a snitch. With the help of amazing effects and a plot line that will always fascinate anybody, this movie captivates viewers and holds them until the very end.
*Rated PG for scary moments and language
My Rating: A+++
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