In the second installment of the Divergent series, Tris (Shailene Woodley) is on the run with her boyfriend, Four (Theo James) and the rest of her Dauntless friends from the evil Jeanine (Kate Winslet) who wants to exterminate anyone who is Divergent, someone who holds more than one of the factions within them. For those who are new to Divergent, there were five factions: Amity (peace and loving), Candor (honest), Dauntless (brave and courageous), Abnegation (selfless and helpful), and Erudite (intelligent). The thing is how far will Tris go in order to not get caught? Will she let her friends die in order for her to get away? Or will she give herself up?
Since I have written a review for this movie, I am going to go a little bit more in depth with the movie so if you have not watched the movie, I consider you to stop reading :P Where do I start? How about I start with the main character? The producers have definitely caught her strength whether it was mentally or physically. Viewers are able to see the battles Tris head into and they can't help but feel the power and strength she portrays. As for the plot, it does run a little fast so viewers can get a little lost, but it is pretty easy to pick it up. I did read the book, so it was a little disappointing to see small little details gone missing but it did not deter the fact that we are just human. Some parts of us have other parts take over our lives whether it is our intelligence or our bravery, but we all need to try and create a balance within ourselves.
*Rated PG-13 for intense violence and action, language, some sensuality, and thematic elements
My Rating: A
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