In this thriller, young and anxious Sam (Noah Wiseman) comes across a rather odd book called the Babadook. Even though his mother, Amelia (Essie Davis), is still suffering from her husband's death after six years later, she still reads him the creepy tale of the Babadook. In the book it was said that if you hear three knocks you will see a tall man who wears a long black cloak jacket and a top hat enter in the shadows and you might not want to let him in otherwise bad things will happen. Bad things like having your child annoy you to the point where you might not be able to sleep for days or strangle your dog or cuss at your own child. With the amazing imagery, viewers are able to see the Babadook everywhere even if he's not there. He might be creeping in the shadows. He might not be, but it still brings viewers to the edge of their seats. It sure offsets the cheesy pull strings that some of the characters had to use in order to fly across the room, but it doesn't distract from the amazing acting that was portrayed by Noah and Essie. It just comes to show to make sure what you read especially to your children.
*Rated PG-13 for language, brief sexual material, and disturbing violent content
My Rating: A
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