In this comedic movie, Melissa McCarthy plays Susan Cooper, a CIA agent who has always been behind the desk watching her coworkers always getting the action except her friend, Nancy (Miranda Hart.) It wasn't until the terrible fate of her coworker, Bradley Fine (Jude Law), got killed due to a murderer who is trying to sell a nuke that she got out of the desk and onto the field. If anybody has watched movies with Melissa McCarthy, it is always a hoot no matter how serious the movie is supposed to be. When Susan wants to be taken seriously and have an interesting identity, she is always given the horrible one. When she tries to act like a badass, she still manages to crack a smile on the audience. Even though there were some intricacies with the story, this movie was just an entertaining one; nothing special. At first, it even seems a little like a spoof to a James Bond movie and even though, it had that feeling in the beginning, it quickly became it's own story and plot. Even though it may not be a special movie, Spy is an entertaining movie to watch with your friends to laugh and have a good time.
*Rated R for language, violence, and some sexual content.
My Rating: B-
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