In this animated movie, Tim Burton does it again by creating the Van Dort family and the Everglot family. Victor Van Dort (Johnny Depp) was never a confident man especially when it came to his own arranged wedding. As for Victoria Everglot (Emily Watson), she didn't feel like she was ready to marry since she wanted to make sure she loved the man before getting carried to the altar, but with her psycho parents who were just waiting for her husband's rich's to come in through the family, it wasn't that easy to escape the ideas of arranged marriage. It's not until Victor was talking to himself and practicing his vows that he accidentally marries the corpse bride (Helena Bonham Carter). With amazing music by Danny Elfman including one that he personally sings in, this movie will give anyone the chills. From seeing gloomy live people to colorful dead people, things were not going according to plan.
*Rated PG for scary images and action and mild language.
My Rating: A+
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