21 Jump Street

Schmidt (Jonah Hill) and Jenko (Channing Tatum) were never good friends in high school. Schmidt was the sad lonely loser with braces and could never get the girl whereas Jenko was the jock who was cunning and got all the babes. It was not until they joined the police academy when they decided to call it a truce and become best friends. Their friendship was tested though when they were sent a case from Jump Street, which is run by a scary black guy, Captain Dickson (Ice Cube), in order to find the supplier of a crazy drug that sends high school kids killing themselves. With comedic scenes after one another, the two return to high school only to find the roles reversed. Schmidt was becoming the cool kid for once and Jenko was just hanging out with the science geeks exploding stuff. Even though the movie can be somewhat redunkulous, it still makes me laugh. 21 Jump Street is entertaining and crazy.

*Rated R for crude and sexual content, pervasive language, drug material, teen drinking and some violence.

My Rating: A
