Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

In the sixth installment of the Harry Potter series, Harry and the gang are getting even more deep when it comes to Voldemort. It's their sixth year and Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe), Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint), and Hermione Granger (Emma Watson) have a lot going on. Whether it's getting on the Quidditch team or trying to perfect a poison in potions class, they still have time to hang out with each other and their classmates. Well except for Ron who can't stop snogging his new girlfriend, Lavender. Viewers can definitely tell that this movie has taken a turn when things get dark especially when Harry finally learns about the Hocruxes. The magic is still everywhere though in every scene, and it's just amazing especially when things get a little bit more elegant when a war is going on. There's even more humor in this movie than the others. It definitely does keep viewers on the edge of their seats wondering who the heck is the Half-Blood Prince and a little teary-eyed at the end.

*Rated PG for scary images, some violence, language, and mild sensuality.

My Rating: A+++

I did read this book about the same amount of times that I watched this movie, and just like the others, not perfect to the book, but still good when it comes to holding true to the plot of the story. It even gets a little deeper on Voldemort's history, which everyone wants to know. The humor probably covers the amount of details it lacked from the book, but it's still humorous even with the twins barely in this movie. I definitely like the more involvement of Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton) in the movie too ;) That ending scene will always get to me though. I think I cried more than I did on Titanic :P

My Rating: A+++
