In this magical movie, Daniel Radcliffe plays Harry Potter, the boy who lived. After being put in the muggle world to deal with his horrible aunt and uncle, Harry is brought back to where he really belongs: the amazing wizarding world. He even gets to go to a place he can truly call home: Hogwarts, a school for young witches and wizards. If that's not magical enough for you, then how about the things that are inside the castle like moving pictures and stairways? Or the ghosts that wander around the hallways with the students? If he's not busy making friends with Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint) and Hermione Granger (Emma Watson), he's either battling trolls or playing Quidditch, the awesome sport of the wizarding world, or trying to stop He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named from stealing the Sorcerer's Stone. This movie has captured many viewers eyes and hearts from the first time it hit bookshelves to the time it hit theaters. It also doesn't help that the movie has amazing actors and intense music to go with the captivating story. J.K. Rowling definitely made a magical place with the boy who lived on Privet Drive.
*Rated PG for some scary moments and mild language.
My Rating: A+++
I did read the book countless times, and I'm happy to say that the movie does the book justice even though it took out an amount of details, and it's somewhat different, but it doesn't hinder the plot at all. Viewers still get to know what's going on with the small details J.K. Rowling had put in the book. It still bugs me though that Daniel Radcliffe's eyes are blue and in the book, Harry Potter's eyes are green, but that's just my opinion. It was just amazing seeing what I read come to life on a screen.
My Rating: A+++
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