Out there, full of shine, full of sparkle, lies a tiny delightful robot. In this adorable movie, the cute little robot named WALL-E (Ben Burtt) is just enjoying his life. His daily work: crush up the trash that was left on Earth. He even has a cockroach friend that spends the days with him while he finds neat, interesting things while cleaning up. It wasn't until one day when a giant spaceship landed on Earth and dropped off a friend, EVE (Elissa Knight). Together, WALL-E shows EVE the intricacies that is Earth, that is, until she was shown life from a plant, which brings viewers to the humans of the movie. Except the humans of the movie are fat, lazy, and are absorbed in what is in front of their face. With the help of WALL-E and EVE, humanity might see a brighter future. This movie is super adorable when it comes to WALL-E and EVE's relationship. Not only that, with a movie with so little words, it was captivating just watching all the action and adventure they were having. Did I mention the beautiful scenery they take the viewers to see? It is just magnificent. All in all, this movie is adorable and a must see with the family.
*Rated G.
My Rating: A+
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