Alita Battle Angel

Hey guys! I know my last movie review was a little wack because I tried copying and pasting it from my school's newspaper website to Blogger then it just kind butchered the layout. I'm thinking of just having my own version on here anyways since my writing is heavily edited (no offense to my editors :P)

Anyways, movie of the night from a couple nights ago was Alita Battle Angel. I wasn't expecting to like the movie more than I thought but it was pretty interesting and entertaining to watch.

Alita (Rosa Salazar) was built completely out of scrap by Dr. Dyson Ido (Christoph Waltz) who was a father and is a bounty hunter. She doesn't remember who she was in her past lifetime and she automatically falls in love with the first guy she meets. I'm not saying that's a bad thing since she doesn't even know what food is, but at the same time, I'm sure the producers could have been a little bit more selective when it comes to her choices in guys. While jogging her memory, she is undergoing through a lot of changes not just with her body but dealing with things in general.

Speaking of which I did not know this movie was based off a manga so please excuse me if I don't know what some of the elements in the movie was.

One of her interests is Motorball which is a sport in their world that kind of reminds me of Quidditch except it only has one ball and everyone is on the ground. Everything else is free game. You just have to get the ball to the goal. That's what I liked about this movie: it didn't just solely focus on the romance aspect. It had it's comedic relief, the action, and the sci-fi.

I don't want to spoil the ending but there moments I did not expect to happen. Let's just say: I thought someone was going to die but didn't but then dies for real at the very end of the movie. Also the movie does end in a cliffhanger, so viewers are probably going to be expecting another movie soon.

All in all, I think this was an entertaining movie that had it's twists and turns that not only I didn't see coming but it just lead up to what's going to happen in the next movie.

*Rated PG-13 for language, nudity, intense scenes, and violence

My Rating: A
