The Grand Budapest Hotel

Hey guys! How's your day going? The Grand Budapest Hotel has been on my To Watch list for very a long time and I'm glad I finally got around to watching it so Movie of the Night from last night: The Grand Budapest Hotel!

In this Wes Anderson film, viewers follow Zero Moustafa (played by F. Murray Abraham) and the legendary Monsier Gustave (played by Ralph Fiennes) work around the grand Budapest Hotel. It wasn't until Monsier Gustave's lover passed when things got a little hairy. Entitled to the Boy with Apple painting, Monsier Gustave steals it while Zero follows him to make sure nothing happens to his mentor. With the help from Zero's girlfriend, a few prison friends, and a secret hotel society, Monsier Gustave gives Zero an adventure he was not expecting to have.

If it weren't for the fact that Anderson's name was at the beginning of the movie I would have thought this movie was by Quentin Tarantino but the movie does have the panoramic feel every time the scene changes. I was able to tell the difference but that was just one of the many things that made me enjoy this movie. Another aspect of the movie that made me enjoy it was the all star cast and even though it was kind of strange seeing Adrian Brody look somewhat like a creeper, it has been a minute since I have heard Jude Law's voice narrate a movie. Even though the movie does take place during the war, you tend to get past the fact that it does look a little outdated but that's what made the plot more interested especially when it comes to Zero's character, because there are moments where they are crossing frontiers and they end up being stopped by the army to look at papers. All in all, a splendid movie to enjoy.

*Rated R for language, some sexual content, and violence

My Rating: A+  
