

Hey guys, how's it going? Today has felt like a Monday but I'm getting through it. I'm glad it's the end of the day for me haha. Anyways, Movie of the Night: Moonfall!

What would you do if you knew the world was going to end because the moon was going to get thrown off it's course? For Jo Fowler (played by Halle Barry), Brian Harper (played by Patrick Wilson), and KC Houseman (played by John Bradley), they all had different plans. For Jo, NASA had a lot on it's plate because of the moon. Brian, who was Jo's fellow astronaut, finds himself trying to reconnect to his son. And as for KC, he knew what was happening. And with the three of them together, they get to see the dark side of the moon.

To be honest, I had no idea what this movie was about because I didn't see any previews but it was an intriguing movie. I thought it was going to be an apocalypse kind of movie but then it turned sci-fi at the very end. I think because of the twist, it made the movie take a bad turn. The build up of how the moon was thrown off it's axis was interesting. But other than that, when it started turning sci-fi, things got weird. Not to mention, there was an out of world experience for Brian which made it even a bit more weird. It just seems like the producers were running out of ideas so they sewed together ideas to close out the story. Other than that, it was fun watching it on the big screen but I would save your money and stream the movie.

*Rated PG-13 for violence, action, language, and some drug use

My Rating: D
