Fear Street: 1994


Hey guys! How's it going? I know. I know. I haven't been consistent, but I promise I am getting back on it. Anyways, Spooky Season is upon us (And yes. I know it's September but it's Spooky Season to me) and I had to dive into this series because  I was a huge R.L. Stine fan. I still am! So without further ado, Movie of the Night: Fear Street: 1994!

Shadyside is not your normal little town. A lot of strange things have been happening and it's not good. Mass murders, a rumor about Sarah Fier (played by Elizabeth Scopel) being back, and dead people coming back to life? It makes some teens reconsider what's more important besides schoolwork and moving out of town.

R. L. Stine was one of the authors that I grew up with in elementary and middle school, and he was one of the reasons why I wanted to be a writer. His books always had me itching for the next story and when I outgrew Goosebumps, Fear Street was definitely on the top of my list. As a movie adaptation, Fear Street: 1994 did not disappoint! If you haven't watched Stranger Things, this is what it would be like before Stranger Things even though the timelines are basically on top of each other. If you don't know the story of Fear Street, Sarah Fier was one of the founders of the so called street and was considered a witch so watching this movie will not only give you paranormal vibes, it still has the thriller one seeks when it comes to Spooky Season. As the first in the trilogy, I am excited to see what's in store in the next movie. I don't want to give out too many spoilers but if you want something that'll keep you entertained and on the edge of your seats, Fear Street: 1994 is one for the books. *Only on Netflix*

Rated R for bloody violence, drug content, some sexual content, and language

My Rating: A
