Mr. and Mrs. Smith

Hey guys! How's it going? It has officially reached the triple digits over here and I am not liking it. Luckily it's just a dry heat but it's still annoyingly uncomfortable. Anyways, Movie of the Night from the other night: Mr. and Mrs. Smith!

Jane and John Smith (played by Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt) have been married for six years, however they have been keeping secrets from each other. The biggest one being they're both assassins. It wasn't until they were assigned to the same person that they end up almost killing the other. The thing is do they want to hurt each other?

I can't believe I have never seen this movie before because I have always been a huge Brad Pitt fan as well as Angelina Jolie. They just make such an amazing pair. Too bad they got divorced. Anyways, despite the goofiness of the movie, I really liked how long they kept the charade going with how little they shared with each other. Then after they found out about each other, it got even more interesting. Mainly because of the action. But other than that, it's an entertaining movie. I can see myself putting this on as background noise. I wish I could have watched it on the big screen but it can be found on Netflix. So if you're looking for an oldie and somewhat goodie, check it out!

Rated PG-13 for violence, sexual content, language, and intense action

My Rating: B
