
Hey guys! How's it going? I've been watching a lot of movie series so I really want to rate those but it'll have to wait a bit. I will also be posting my movie review this upcoming Saturday a little bit earlier due to a prior engagement, but we are here now! So without further ado, Movie of the Night from the other night: Zathura!

How would you feel if the board game you're playing happened in real life? Well, that's what happens to Walter (played by Josh Hutcherson) and his brother, Danny (played by Jonah Bobo) except things take a turn they were not expecting. Danny just wanted to play with his brother but it doesn't help that Walter doesn't think he's a kid anymore and sometimes Danny cheats. It's not until Danny finds Zathura that he not only recruits his brother but also his sister without her even realizing it, but who would of thought playing a science fiction board game would come without it's consequences?

I totally forgot this movie existed until I saw it pop up on Netflix, so I had to throw it on just for nostalgia reasons. Not to mention, the cast is just a blast in the past. I mean Kristen Stewart and Josh Hutcherson? It just makes you wonder whatever happened to these people and what are they doing now? Anyways, Zathura is a great movie to watch with the family. Not only is there a great teaching moment for the kids but it has all sorts of the elements for a family film: the comedic moments, the drama between family members, and even adventure in space. Not to mention, there's an astronaut that helps the kids stay on track and finish the game, because if they don't they'll be stuck in space and I don't think anyone wants that. If I could watch this movie on the big screen, I wouldn't mind it.

Rated PG

My Rating: A

